Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9998
Days TTh
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 02:50 PM
Building NA185
Room 213

Course Details

Course Id 4434
Dept and Number AMS 332
Dept and Number THR 331
Area LA
Title Special Topics in Performance History and Theory: Performance and Politics in the 1960s
Description This course will explore performance of the 1960s American theater--Broadway, the avant-garde, political theaters--in the context of the social, cultural, and intellectual politics of the decade. We'll consider production practices and intentions, "texts" (both scripted and unscripted), and reception, both critical and popular. Our goal will be to construct a complex and nuanced "thick description" of performance and politics during this volatile period, while also questioning the value and limitations of decade-oriented historiography.
Prerequisites <b>This course is by open enrollment.</b> If you have any questions, please see the Undergraduate Administrator in the Lewis Center for the Arts at 185 Nassau Street.
Professor Stacy E. Wolf

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Created by Bob Dondero.