Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9973
Days MWF
Start time 10:00 AM
End time 10:50 AM
Building EPYNE
Room 039

Course Details

Course Id 4417
Dept and Number SPA 307
Area LA
Title Advanced Spanish Language and Style
Description For advanced students of Spanish who want to expand their writing skills and improve their knowledge of grammatical structures which continue to pose challenges. Along with the study of grammar, this course aims at reaching higher levels of accuracy while expressing ideas and opinions in writing. Inspiration for written assignments to be drawn from literary works, journalistic writings and audiovisual materials. Combination of fairly intensive writing, reading and grammar based assignments.
Prerequisites SPA 207 and/or another 200-level Spanish course or Instructor's permission.
Professor Antonio F. Calvo

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Created by Bob Dondero.