Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9849
Days T
Start time 03:00 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building MCCOH
Room 4

Course Details

Course Id 4360
Dept and Number REL 227
Area EM
Title Tibetan Buddhism
Description This course is a survey of the Buddhist traditions of Tibet, focusing on the doctrines and practices associated with the main schools of tantric ritual and meditation. Topics covered will include: the origins of the distinct forms of Buddhism in Tibet; Buddhist responses to historical challenges; the special relationship between politics and religion in Tibet; the role of Tibetan Buddhist scholars and scholasticism; Tibet through the lenses of the Chinese, and the West; and Tibetan Buddhist art. Required field trip to the Rubin Museum of Art in NYC.
Prerequisites Prior coursework in religion is recommended but not required.
Professor Jonathan C. Gold

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Created by Bob Dondero.