Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9839
Days MW
Start time 01:00 PM
End time 02:20 PM
Building ICAHN
Room 280

Course Details

Course Id 4357
Dept and Number CHE 511
Dept and Number QCB 511
Title Modeling Tools for Cell and Developmental Biology
Description Mathematical models of complex natural phenomena can organize large amounts of data, provide access to properties that are difficult or impossible to measure experimentally, and suggest new experimental tests of proposed regulatory mechanisms. Participants will demonstrate these ideas in the context of cell and developmental biology. Using a number of well-established experimental systems, such as dynamic instability of microtubules and circadian clocks, course introduces stochastic and deterministic models of reaction and diffusion processes and computational methods for their analysis.
Professor Stanislav Y. Shvartsman

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Created by Bob Dondero.