Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9819
Days MW
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building GREEN
Room 0S9

Course Details

Course Id 4344
Dept and Number NEU 306
Dept and Number PSY 306
Area EC
Title Memory and Cognition
Description An integrative treatment of memory in humans and animals. We will explore working memory (our ability to actively maintain thoughts in the face of distraction), episodic memory (our ability to remember previously experienced events), and semantic memory (our ability to learn and remember the meanings of stimuli). In studying how the brain gives rise to different kinds of memory, we will consider evidence from behavioral experiments, neuroscientific experiments (neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and lesion studies), and computational models.
Prerequisites PSY 255 or PSY 259, or Instructor's Permission.
Professor Kenneth A. Norman

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Created by Bob Dondero.