Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9684
Days TTh
Start time 09:00 AM
End time 09:50 AM
Building ROBEH
Room 001

Course Details

Course Id 4299
Dept and Number POL 366
Area SA
Title Politics in Africa
Description This course provides an introduction to the study of African politics. The lectures and readings briefly review the social and historical context of contemporary political life. They then profile the changes of the early post-Independence period, the authoritarian turn of the 1970s and 80s, the second liberation of the 1990s, and problems of war, state-building, and development. Although the lectures trace a narrative, each also introduces a major analytical debate and an important policy problem. Broadly comparative with some special attention to selected countries.
Prerequisites No previous knowledge of Africa is required.
Professor Jennifer A. Widner

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Created by Bob Dondero.