Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9596
Days MW
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM

Course Details

Course Id 4285
Dept and Number AST 524
Dept and Number PHY 564
Title Physics of the Universe: Introduction to Theoretical Cosmology
Description This course is the second semester of a survey of fundamental concepts in cosmology, designed for students who have taken a basic introduction (Physics 563, Astro 522, Astro 401 or equivalent). The semester spans the leading issues in contemporary cosmology including inflation, the cyclic universe, baryogenesis, dark matter and dark energy. The course emphasizes the connections between cosmology and particle/string physics, and discusses the origin and evolution of inhomogeneities, their effects on the cosmic microwave background and large scale structure.
Professor David N. Spergel
Professor Paul J. Steinhardt

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Created by Bob Dondero.