Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9591
Days WF
Start time 02:30 PM
End time 03:50 PM
Building JADWH
Room A07

Course Details

Course Id 4280
Dept and Number PHY 536
Title Condensed Matter/Many-Body Physics
Description Course introduces and present ongoing theoretical investigations of new research topics in condensed matter physics: topological insulators and Chern numbers, topological superconductors, the fractional quantum Hall effect and non-abelian statistics, as well as new high-temperature superconductors. The techniques needed to deal with such systems, such as Chern numbers, topological band theory, Berry phases, conformal field theory, Chern-Simons theory, t-J models, Gutzwiller wavefunctions, Hubbard models, are explained.
Professor Bogdan A. Bernevig

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Created by Bob Dondero.