Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9576
Days T
Start time 12:30 PM
End time 01:20 PM
Building JADWH
Room 111

Course Details

Course Id 4265
Dept and Number PHY 312
Area ST
Title Experimental Physics
Description Students work in small groups and perform four experiments and an electronics lab. The list of experiments to choose from includes muon decay, beta decay, optical pumping, Moosbauer effect, holography, positron annihilation, electron diffraction, single photon interference, Sagnac effect, bacterial motion, NMR, Coulomb law, and photoelectric effect. Weekly lectures will provide an overview of various experimental techniques and data analysis.
Prerequisites PHY 103/104 or equivalent; PHY 208 or equivalent. Not recommended for sophomores.
Professor Michael V. Romalis

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Created by Bob Dondero.