Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9571
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building JADWH
Room A09

Course Details

Course Id 4262
Dept and Number PHY 208
Area STX
Title Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Description This is the Physics Department's introductory quantum mechanics course. Its intent is to present the subject in a fashion that will allow both mastery of its conceptual basis and techniques and appreciation of the excitement inherent in looking at the world in a profoundly new way. Topics to be covered include: state functions and the probability interpretation, the Schroedinger equation, uncertainty principle, the eigenvalue problem, angular momentum, perturbation theory, and the hydrogen atom.
Prerequisites MAT 204 or MAT 217 and PHY 205 or PHY 207. If PHY 104, PHY 106, or ISC 234 have not been completed, one of them must be taken concurrently.
Professor Daniel R. Marlow

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Created by Bob Dondero.