Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9502
Days Th
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building MCCOH
Room 2

Course Details

Course Id 4241
Dept and Number CHV 309
Dept and Number PHI 309
Area EM
Title Political Philosophy
Description Many people think they can recognize democracy when they see it and that democracy is uncontroversially good. Even if they are right, it is worth trying to give a theoretical account of what makes a practice, institution or state democratic; and to consider and evaluate arguments for and against democracy. So we will begin with a brisk survey of some traditional analyses and defenses of democracy and we will then spend the rest of our time (a) discussing a few more recent attempts to say what the core elements of democracy are and to defend it, and (b) evaluating some recent challenges to democratic ideals.
Professor Kwame A. Appiah

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Created by Bob Dondero.