Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9352
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building WOOLC
Room 105

Course Details

Course Id 4166
Dept and Number EAS 254
Dept and Number MUS 254
Area LA
Title Popular Music in Japan, 1877-2010
Description This course examines the aesthetics and reception of popular music genres in Japan, including children's songs, war songs, enka, jazz, rock, hip-hop, reggae, Okinawan pop, J-Pop, and music for anime and video games. Through listening exercises, analyses of translated lyrics, and readings, we will consider the ways in which music has reflected Japanese identity in changing international contexts and the reception of Japanese artists overseas. Issues examined include nationalism, the music industry, language, cultural hegemony, subcultures, and technology.
Prerequisites Familiarity with Japanese culture, as well as the basics of music, is helpful but not required.
Professor Noriko Manabe

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Created by Bob Dondero.