Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9315
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building JADWH
Room 111

Course Details

Course Id 4157
Dept and Number APC 515
Dept and Number MSE 515
Title Random Heterogeneous Materials
Description Composites, porous media, foams, colloidal suspensions, geological media, polymer blends, and biological media are all examples of heterogeneous materials. Often the microstructure of such materials is random. The relationship between the macroscopic (transport, mechanical, electromagnetic, and chemical) properties and microstructure of random heterogeneous materials is formulated. Topics include statistical characterization of the microstructure via n-point distribution functions; percolation theory; fractal concepts; sphere packings; Monte Carlo simulation techniques; and image analysis of microstructures; homogenization theory; effective-
Professor Salvatore Torquato

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Created by Bob Dondero.