Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9284
Days MW
Start time 08:30 AM
End time 09:50 AM
Building THOML
Room 118

Course Details

Course Id 4137
Dept and Number MOL 328
Dept and Number WWS 399
Area SA
Title U.S. Medical Research and Researchers: Preeminence, Problems, Policies
Description Medical research aims to improve and maintain human health. Accordingly, researchers employ such strategies as understanding biology, defining disease mechanisms, and developing ways to prevent, treat, or cure. Today, the U.S. is the preeminent global power in medical research through interactions among government, academia, and industry. This course will trace the evolution of this country's research enterprise, describe its diverse cultures, focus on its greatest achievements (and achievers), and identify a number of challenges confronting it currently. How the U.S. copes with these challenges will influence the future of world health.
Prerequisites MOL 214/EEB 214 or MOL215/EEB215
Professor Adel A. Mahmoud
Professor Leon E. Rosenberg

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Created by Bob Dondero.