Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9156
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building EQUAD
Room D221

Course Details

Course Id 4075
Dept and Number EGR 328
Dept and Number ENV 328
Dept and Number MAE 328
Title Energy for a Greenhouse-Constrained World
Description This course addresses, in technical detail, the challenge of changing the future global energy system to accommodate environmental constraints. Energy production strategies are emphasized, including renewable energy, solar, wind, nuclear fission and fusion, the capture and storage of fossil-fuel carbon, and energy storage strategies. Efficient energy use is also considered, as well as intersections of energy with economic development, international security, local environmental quality, and human behavior and values.
Prerequisites Freshman physics requirement. In addition, it is suggested that students have some coursework in thermodynamics or its equivalent but not required. Students from all departments of the University are welcome and are permitted in the course.
Professor Craig B. Arnold

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Created by Bob Dondero.