Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9137
Days W
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building EPYNE
Room 023

Course Details

Course Id 4068
Dept and Number LIN 430
Dept and Number PSY 430
Area EC
Title Cognitive Linguistics
Description Cognitive Linguistics is a broad approach to language that places psychological reality at the top of the list of theoretical desiderata. In this course we will investigate the nature of linguistic semantic categories and the implications for theories of grammar. In the domain of semantic categories, we will study the issues and controversies surrounding frame semantics, decompositional semantics, conceptual metaphor, and exemplar/prototype/connectionist models. Turning our attention to grammar, we will focus on both regularities and irregularities, within and across languages, attempting to explain why languages are the way they are.
Prerequisites Open to students planning to complete the certificate in linguistics and/or psychology concentrators, or by permission of the instructor.
Professor Adele E. Goldberg

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Created by Bob Dondero.