Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9117
Days W
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building BURRH
Room 213

Course Details

Course Id 4057
Dept and Number LAS 404
Dept and Number POR 409
Dept and Number SPA 409
Title Latin American Studies Seminar: Memories of the Future: National Imaginaries in Brazil and Argentina
Description As both historical and legendary figures, Vargas and Peron shaped the imaginaries of the modern nation in Brazil and Argentina. This course selectively addresses their legacies by exploring how notions of the future, the nation, and modernity were constructed in the 1930's-50's and how these imaginaries are reinterpreted as cultural memories in contemporary Brazil and Argentina. The course will focus on the Vargas Era and the Peron governments and on how these memories are being recast in artistic productions, the media, and forms of consumption.
Professor Beatriz Jaguaribe de Mattos

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Created by Bob Dondero.