Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9074
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building SCCAH
Room 203

Course Details

Course Id 4038
Dept and Number HIS 356
Dept and Number JDS 355
Dept and Number NES 355
Area HA
Title Between Swords and Stones: Jerusalem, a History
Description For 3000 years the city that is holy to all three monotheistic religions has known little peace and tranquility and has been the site of wars, conquests and division. By drawing on historical, literary, religious and cinematic sources, this course will explore the history of Jerusalem from antiquity to the modern period. It will examine its place in the religious imagination of Jews, Muslims and Christians and trace the political history of a city that continues to be one of the most inflammable places on earth. The course will look at the conditions in today's 'united' Jerusalem and explore the different contingencies to bring peace to it.
Professor Eran Kaplan

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Created by Bob Dondero.