Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 9037
Days TTh
Start time 10:00 AM
End time 10:50 AM
Building ICAHN
Room 101

Course Details

Course Id 4027
Dept and Number CHM 234
Dept and Number COS 234
Dept and Number ISC 234
Dept and Number MOL 234
Dept and Number PHY 234
Title An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences II
Description An integrated, mathematically and computationally sophisticated introduction to physics and chemistry, drawing on examples from biological systems. This year-long 4 course sequence is a multi-disciplinary course taught across 4 departments with the following faculty involved in teaching the course: W. Bialek, C. Callan, J. Shaevitz (PHY); D. Botstein (MOL); M. Singh (COS); E. Carter (MAE).
Prerequisites Familiarity with calculus at the level of MAT 103/104 or Advanced Placement Calculus BC, solid high school physics and chemistry courses. Students must have completed ISC/CHM/COS/MOL/PHY 231 and 232 in the Fall.
Professor Curtis G. Callan
Professor David Botstein
Professor Mona Singh

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Created by Bob Dondero.