Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8903
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM
Building EPYNE
Room 215

Course Details

Course Id 3969
Dept and Number GER 1025
Title Intensive Intermediate German
Description Intensive training in German, building on GER 101 and covering the acquisitional goals of two subsequent semesters: communicative proficiency in a wide range of syntax, mastery of discourse skills, and reading strategies sufficient to interpret and discuss contemporary German short stories and drama. Intensive classroom participation/language lab required. Successful completion provides eligibility for GER 107 or, in exceptional cases, for 200 level courses. Participants are eligible to apply for the Princeton-in-Munich program (107-G), June, 2010.
Prerequisites GER 101 and permission of instructor. Enrollment by invitation only, following an interview with the course instructor; interviews are normally offered to students in GER 101 attaining a grade of "A" or A-.
Professor James W. Rankin

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Created by Bob Dondero.