Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8874
Days MW
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 02:50 PM
Building GUYOT
Room 315

Course Details

Course Id 3950
Dept and Number APC 441
Dept and Number GEO 441
Title Computational Geophysics
Description An introduction to weak numerical methods, in particular finite-element and spectral-element methods, used in computational geophysics. Basic surface & volume elements, representation of fields, quadrature, assembly, local versus global meshes, domain decomposition, time marching & stability, parallel implementation & message-passing, and load-balancing. In the context of parameter estimation and 'imaging', will explore data assimilation techniques and related adjoint methods. The course offers hands-on lab experience in meshing complicated surfaces & volumes as well as numerically solving partial differential equations relevant to geophysics
Prerequisites Courses in partial differential equations and multi-variable calculus; experience with a computer language and basic programming skills.
Professor Jeroen Tromp

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Created by Bob Dondero.