Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8866
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 12:20 PM

Course Details

Course Id 3944
Dept and Number ENV 339
Dept and Number GEO 366
Dept and Number WWS 335
Area STX
Title Current and Future Climate
Description This course explores the causes and consequences of human-induced climate change, and the range of potential policy responses. By studying the natural climate system and how it is influenced by human perturbation, we will develop a quantitative understanding of how climate is expected to change in the future as greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere. The course also examines scientific themes that should frame any public policy based on risk management, including irreversibility, uncertainty, and surprise. We will also examine the ways in which people, governments and other institutions are actually responding to climate change.
Prerequisites MAT 101-102 and CHM 201-202, or PHY 101-102, or permission of instructor.
Professor Michael Oppenheimer

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Created by Bob Dondero.