Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8777
Start time 12:30 PM
End time 01:20 PM
Building FIRES
Room 38J

Course Details

Course Id 3881
Dept and Number FRE 103
Title Intensive Beginner's and Intermediate French
Description FRE 103 is an intensive beginning and intermediate language course designed for students who have already studied French (typically no more than 2-3 years). Covering in one semester the material presented in FRE 101 and FRE 102, this course prepares students to take FRE 107 the following semester. Classroom activities include comprehension and grammar exercises, conversation, skits, and working with a variety of audio-visual materials.
Prerequisites Prerequisites include approximately two years of high school French and an appropriate score on the Princeton French Language Placement Test. Permission of Placement Officer required.
Professor Michael W. Meere

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Created by Bob Dondero.