Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8747
Days W
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building FRIST
Room 210

Course Details

Course Id 3869
Dept and Number ENV 360
Title Biotech Plants and Animals: Frankenfood or Important Innovations?
Description Biotechnology has given us the tools to manipulate both domestic plants and animals. Biotechnology may provide the means to allow crops to more rapidly adapt to changing health and environmental circumstances--including changes due to climate change--and to allow livestock to reduce their environmental impact. Case studies, and discussions with experts, will be used to evaluate these plants and animals created using biotechnology and advanced plant breeding techniques. We will also discuss the case against bioengineered foods and explore concerns over ethics, and adequate testing for their impact on human health and on the environment.
Prerequisites MOL and CHM intro courses recommended.
Professor Xenia K. Morin

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Created by Bob Dondero.