Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8744
Days M
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building WALLB
Room 002

Course Details

Course Id 3867
Dept and Number ENV 316
Title Communicating Climate Change
Description Climate change has the potential to wreak great havoc over the next century, threatening ecosystems, economies, and human lives. Scientists are putting enormous effort into trying to understand the causes, effects, and possible solutions to the climate-change problem. Yet the public still has only a vague idea of what climate science actually says, and much of that is badly distorted. The course will explore how to communicate to the public about climate change through print, web and video, in ways that are at once clear, compelling, and scientifically rigorous.
Prerequisites Strong interest in communications and in the issues covered by the course; no previous coursework or experience necessary.
Professor Michael D. Lemonick

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Created by Bob Dondero.