Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8740
Days MWF
Start time 10:00 AM
End time 10:50 AM
Building LEWLI
Room 120

Course Details

Course Id 3863
Dept and Number ENV 202B
Area ST
Title Fundamentals of Environmental Studies: Climate, Air Pollution, Toxics, and Water
Description This course will focus on environmental consequences of human activities and their interactions with natural systems. Beginning with underlying principles, we will consider the social, political, economic, scientific and technical dimensions of four areas of environmental concern: the atmosphere (atmospheric pollution, its sources and prevention); climate (climate and climate variability; models and public policy); toxics in the environment (pollutants, remediation and solutions); and water resources (watersheds, land use, climate effects, political issues).
Prerequisites The course will satisfy the ENV core course requirement and is required for students who wish to pursue the Environmental Studies certificate program; these students cannot enroll under the p/d/f option. Preference will be given to ENV concentrators (though the class is open to all interested students). When enrolled in the lab, ENV 202B fulfills an ST course requirement.
Professor Bess B. Ward
Professor Eileen Zerba

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Created by Bob Dondero.