Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8632
Days TTh
Start time 01:00 PM
End time 03:00 PM
Building EQUAJ
Room J323

Course Details

Course Id 3819
Dept and Number ELE 539A
Title Special Topics in Informations Sciences and Systems: Optimization of Communication Systems
Description Study how problems in point-to-point and networked communication systems can be formulated and solved as optimization, covering both classic results and current research. Introduce the methodologies of linear program, convex optimization, Lagrange duality, and study their theoretical properties and computational algorithms. Sample application topics: information-theoretic and queuing-theoretic problems, coding and equalization, antenna beamforming, network resource allocation and utility maximization, theory of network architecture, wireless network power control, Medium Access Control schemes, IP routing, TCP congestion control.
Professor Mung Chiang

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Created by Bob Dondero.