Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8574
Days MW
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 02:20 PM
Building FRIEN
Room 101

Course Details

Course Id 3794
Dept and Number EGR 277
Dept and Number HIS 277
Dept and Number SOC 277
Area SA
Title Technology and Society
Description Technology and society are unthinkable without each other - each provides the means and framework in which the other develops. To explore this dynamic, this course investigates a wide array of questions on the interaction between technology, society, politics, and economics, emphasizing the themes of innovation and maturation, systems and regulation, risk and failure, and ethics and expertise. Specific topics covered include nuclear power and waste, genetically-modified organisms, regulation of the internet, medical mistakes, intellectual property, the financial crisis of 2008, and the post-fossil-fuels economy.
Prerequisites None
Professor Michael D. Gordin

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Created by Bob Dondero.