Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8540
Days TTh
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 02:50 PM
Building LEWLI
Room 122

Course Details

Course Id 3778
Dept and Number EEB 320
Dept and Number MOL 330
Title Molecular Evolutionary Genetics
Description How and where did life evolve? On Earth or Mars or elsewhere? This course will discuss the evolution of the molecules that sustain life (DNA, RNA and proteins) at both the micro and macroevolutionary levels. We will explore the role of these molecules in the origin and continued evolution of life. Topics inlcude the origin of eukaryotes and organelles, the evolution of development, comparative genomics, molecular population genetics, quantitative genetics and human evolution. Two 90-minute lectures, one preceptorial.
Prerequisites MOL 214, MOL 215, or any upper level MOL course.
Professor Laura F. Landweber

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Created by Bob Dondero.