Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8503
Days TTh
Start time 09:00 AM
End time 10:30 AM
Building FISHH
Room B02

Course Details

Course Id 3751
Dept and Number ECO 522
Title Advanced Macroeconomic Theory II
Description Macro implications of micro imperfections. The "cleansing" effect of recessions and the impact of allocative versus aggregate shocks. Recent models of consumption and empirical tests of risk-sharing. How the distribution of income or wealth affects aggregate growth and fluctuations. Role of imperfect credit markets, distributional conflict and political economy. Endogenous, skill-biased, technological change and human capital accumulation; implications for growth and social mobility.
Professor Christopher A. Sims
Professor Thomas J. Sargent

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Created by Bob Dondero.