Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8466
Days TTh
Start time 03:00 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building FRIEN
Room 006

Course Details

Course Id 3733
Dept and Number ECO 352
Area SA
Title International Trade
Description This course analyzes the causes and consequences of international trade and investment. We investigate why nations trade, what they trade, and who gains from this trade. We then analyze the motives for countries or organizations to restrict or regulate international trade and study the effects of such policies on economic welfare. Topics covered will include the effects of trade on economic growth and wage inequality, multinationals and foreign direct investment, international trade agreements and current trade policy disputes.
Prerequisites MAT 103 and ECO 300 or 310.
Professor Avinash K. Dixit

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Created by Bob Dondero.