Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8365
Days TTh
Start time 02:30 PM
End time 04:20 PM

Course Details

Course Id 3699
Dept and Number DAN 311
Area LA
Title Dancing East to West: Traditional Practices and Contemporary Debates in World Dance
Description A studio course introducing students to historical and evolving dance traditions - Kathak of North India and Flamenco of Spain. We shall study these movement languages and dance forms as well as their historical, social and cultural contexts. Lectures, readings, class discussions and video viewings will complement regular visits by dance specialists in these traditions as we examine the contemporary gender and identity issues they raise as well as the emergence of new, hybrid forms and internationalist, postmodern practices.
Prerequisites <b>PREREQUISITE:</b> DAN 209, equivalent previous training.
Professor Ze'eva Cohen

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Created by Bob Dondero.