Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8358
Days W
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 03:20 PM
Building NA185
Room 310

Course Details

Course Id 3695
Dept and Number CWR 449
Dept and Number HLS 449
Area LA
Title Athens Stories: Screen Interpretations of a City
Description An advanced course in screenwriting. Students will explore the possibilities of transposing their understanding of the contemporary Athens as a physical and metaphorical space, into the fabric of short film/screenplay. This class will build upon the techniques introduced in Screenwriting I and II - and will examine other films that have used cities as a source of narrative and structural inspiration in order to direct students towards their own script interpretations of Athens-specific, or Athens-inspired, stories.
Prerequisites Application through the Creative Writing Program. Screenwriting I or Screenwriting II or Permission of the Instructor. <b>APPLICATION INFORMATION:</b> Please visit the Program's website for specific application information.
Professor Christina Lazaridi

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Created by Bob Dondero.