Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8087
Days MWF
Start time 09:00 AM
End time 09:50 AM
Building FRIEN
Room 004

Course Details

Course Id 3598
Dept and Number CHE 250
Area STX
Title Separations in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Description This course covers the theory and practice of separations technologies used in the chemical and biochemical industry. Both equilibrium and rate-based separations will be discussed including distillation and chromatography as the primary examples. The first 2/3 of the course will focus on traditional chemical separations while the remainder of the course will be devoted to bioseparations.
Prerequisites CHE 245 or MAT 104, and permission of the instructor; CHM 303 and MAE 305 strongly suggested (may be taken concurrently)
Professor A. James Link

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Created by Bob Dondero.