Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8063
Days TTh
Start time 10:00 AM
End time 10:50 AM
Building EQUAE
Room E225

Course Details

Course Id 3578
Dept and Number CEE 312
Title Statics of Structures
Description This course develops notions of internal forces and displacements, and instructs students how to design and analyze structures. Presents the fundamental principles of structural design, determination of internal forces, and deflections under the static load conditions, and introduces the bending theory of plane beams and the basic energy theorems. The theory of the first order will be developed for continuous girders, frames, arches, suspension bridges, and trusses, including both statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Basic principles for construction of influence lines and determination of extreme influences will be presented.
Prerequisites CEE 205
Professor Branko Glisic

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Created by Bob Dondero.