Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 8024
Days TTh
Start time 03:00 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building MCDON
Room A02

Course Details

Course Id 3558
Dept and Number AST 203
Area QR
Title The Universe
Description This specially designed course targets the frontier of modern astrophysics. Subjects include the planets of our solar system, the birth, life, and death of stars; the search for extrasolar planets and extraterrestrial life; the zoo of galaxies from dwarfs to giants, from starbursts to quasars; dark matter and the large-scale structure of the universe; Einstein's special and general theory of relativity, black holes, worm holes, time travel, and big bang cosmology. This course is designed for the non-science major and has no prerequisites past high school algebra and geometry. High school physics would be useful.
Prerequisites This course is intended for humanities and social science majors; however, familiarity with high school algebra and geometry will be assumed. An introductory high school physics course will also be useful.
Professor Anatoly Spitkovsky
Professor Christopher F. Chyba
Professor John R. Gott

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Created by Bob Dondero.