Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 7947
Days Th
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 02:50 PM
Building ARCHB
Room N104

Course Details

Course Id 3518
Dept and Number ARC 509
Title Integrated Building Systems
Description An introduction to building systems and the methods of construction used to realize design in built form. First half of the course exposes students to the primary systems, materials and principals used in construction of buildings and the fabrication of elements, through lectures and accompanying lab sessions. Focus shifts in second half to explaining the means by which information is communicated from designers to fabricators, current standards in the practice of architecture, and practice's relation to changes in methods of fabrication and project delivery.
Professor J. Reid A. Freeman
Professor Peter A. Pelsinski
Professor Ron Witte

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Created by Bob Dondero.