Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 7856
Days Th
Start time 07:30 PM
End time 10:20 PM
Building STANH
Room 101

Course Details

Course Id 3464
Dept and Number AAS 368
Dept and Number POL 424
Dept and Number REL 368
Area EM
Title Topics in African American Religion: Black Religion and Black Political Thought
Description Scholars of the African America experience have located the black church as the cultural, social, and political womb of the black community. This research tends to think of the church as a structure that brings actors into contact with one another; it has paid less attention to the church as a place that brings actors into contact with ideas. This course will use a variety of classic and contemporary texts about black political thought as an entry into investigating the connections between black religious ideas and political activism. The class links the work on religion to an intensive introduction to black political thought.
Professor Melissa V. Harris-Lacewell

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Created by Bob Dondero.