Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10246
Days T
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 04:30 PM
Building ROBEH
Room 020

Course Details

Course Id 4596
Dept and Number POL 598
Dept and Number WWS 590B
Title Politics of Inequality and Redistribution (Half-Term)
Description Study of policy preferences, differential rates of political participation, voting behavior, legislative process, political communication, urban politics and role of race in US political life are central to study of inequality in politics. Though the American case will feature prominently, we will approach issues from a comparative perspective. Thus the course provides introduction to comparative study of welfare states and political economy of advanced industrial countries, including regulation of labor markets and relationship between wage inequality, income distribution and policy preferences for redistribution and social protection.
Professor Jonas G. Pontusson
Professor Nolan M. McCarty

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Created by Bob Dondero.