Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10239
Days T
Start time 07:00 PM
End time 10:00 PM
Building ROBEH
Room 020

Course Details

Course Id 4590
Dept and Number SOC 577
Dept and Number WWS 572B
Title Topics in Development: Policy Implications of Globalization
Description Explores the historical background of globalization including previous examples of this phenomenon. Proceeds with an overview of competing contemporary theories of the causes and consequences of globalization. Discusses the types of data required for analysis of the policy implications of globalization and how these can be utilized. Emphasis on the use of transactional data using network analysis. Students will use primary sources and databases in discussions of policy areas including trade, migration, security, media, etc. No formal training in statistics, database management, or networks required.
Professor Miguel A. Centeno

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Created by Bob Dondero.