Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10237
Days M
Start time 01:00 PM
End time 04:00 PM
Building ROBEH
Room 015

Course Details

Course Id 4588
Dept and Number POP 504
Dept and Number WWS 564
Title Poverty, Inequality and Health in the World
Description About well-being throughout the world, with focus on income and health. Explores what happened to poverty, inequality, and health, in the US, and internationally. Discusses conceptual foundations of national and global measures of inequality, poverty, and health; construction of measures, and extent to which they can be trusted; relationship between globalization, poverty, and health, historically and currently. Examines links between health and income, why poor people are less healthy and live less long than rich people.
Prerequisites WWS 507 and 511. Please see instructor to apply for enrollment.
Professor Angus S. Deaton

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Created by Bob Dondero.