Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10214
Days MW
Start time 10:40 AM
End time 12:10 PM
Building ROBEH
Room 002

Course Details

Course Id 4570
Dept and Number WWS 512C
Title Macroeconomic Analysis (Advanced)
Description Course offers a broad treatment of macroeconomic theory and policy issues, using the formal methods of modern macroeconomics. Topics will include long-run growth and development, labor, consumption, savings and investment decisions, the role of expectations, short-run fluctuations and stabilization policy, inflation and unemployment, trade and exchange rates. The course is advanced, so that: (i) having had some introductory course in macroeconomics is a prerequisite, and an intermediate-level one is best; (ii) the course requires a solid command of microeconomic theory (511 c or d) and good comfort with algebra and calculus.
Prerequisites Non WWS Graduate students should contact the instructor directly for enrollment.
Professor Roland J. Benabou

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Created by Bob Dondero.