Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10209
Days MW
Start time 09:00 AM
End time 10:30 AM
Building ROBEH
Room 001

Course Details

Course Id 4568
Dept and Number WWS 508C
Title Econometrics and Public Policy (Advanced)
Description Discusses the main tools of econometric analysis, and the way in which they are applied to a range of problems in social science. Emphasis is on using techniques, and on understanding and critically assessing others' use of them. There is a great deal of practical work on the computer using a range of data from around the world. Topics include regression analysis, with a focus on regression as a tool for analyzing non-experimental data, discrete choice, and an introduction to time-series analysis. There are applications from macroeconomics, policy evaluation, and economic development. Prerequisite: grounding in topics covered in 507c.
Prerequisites Non WWS Graduate students should contact the instructor directly for enrollment.
Professor David S. Lee

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Created by Bob Dondero.