Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10198
Days Th
Start time 10:40 AM
End time 12:10 PM
Building ROBEH
Room 016

Course Details

Course Id 4564
Dept and Number WWS 502
Title Psychology for Policy Analysis and Implementation
Description Course covers basic concepts and experimental findings of psychology that contribute to an understanding of the effects of policy on human behavior and well-being; and psychological factors that affect the formulation, communication, and execution of policy. Topics include a descriptive analysis of boundedly rational judgment and decision making, a consideration of social motives and attitudes, and an introduction to the ways in which agents influence and negotiate with one another, including an examination of the psychological roots of conflict.
Professor Alexander T. Todorov
Professor Elizabeth L. Paluck
Professor John M. Darley

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Created by Bob Dondero.