Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10171
Days MW
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 11:50 AM
Building ROBEH
Room 016

Course Details

Course Id 4551
Dept and Number MOL 320
Dept and Number WWS 320
Area SA
Title Human Genetics, Reproduction, and Public Policy
Description Critical concepts in human genetics, evolution, reproductive behavior, embryology, and philosophy of science will be presented as a framework for understanding controversial human-affecting biotechnologies including embryonic stem cells, cloning, genetic selection, egg or womb vending, genetic engineering, and neuro-enhancement. Public perceptions and misperceptions of biotechnology will be explored through science fiction, movies, and popular music. Consideration will be given to competing political, religious, and ethical claims of authority in accepting, regulating, or rejecting each technology in the U.S. and other societies.
Prerequisites There are no formal prerequisites, however, a knowledge of high school chemistry and modern biology will be assumed. Eight movies will be assigned for viewing outside of class.
Professor Lee M. Silver

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Created by Bob Dondero.