Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10153
Days TTh
Start time 11:00 AM
End time 11:50 AM
Building ROBEH
Room 100

Course Details

Course Id 4548
Dept and Number CHV 301
Dept and Number POL 308
Dept and Number WWS 301
Area EM
Title Ethics and Public Policy
Description This course examines major moral controversies in public life and differing conceptions of justice and the common good. It seeks to help students develop the skills required for thinking and writing about the ethical considerations that ought to shape public institutions, guide public authorities, and inform popular expectations. The course will focus issues that are particularly challenging for advanced, pluralist democracies like the U. S., such as justice in war, torture and terrorism, abortion and doctor-assisted suicide, markets and distributive justice, paternalism, and the place, if any, of religious arguments in politics.
Professor Rahul Sagar
Professor Stephen J. Macedo

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Created by Bob Dondero.