Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10144
Days W
Start time 01:00 PM
End time 03:50 PM
Building FRIEN
Room 111

Course Details

Course Id 4546
Dept and Number WRI 502P
Title Writing an Effective Scientific Research Article (Half Term): Physical and Applied Physical Sciences
Description Writing workshop for students in physical and applied physical sciences who are prepared to draft a research article for publication based on their original work. Topics include getting started, presenting data, communicating visually, understanding the elements of a research article, using evidence persuasively, revising effectively, soliciting useful comments from readers, and incorporating feedback. One two-hour 50-minute seminar.
Prerequisites Course open to graduate students who have completed sufficient research to begin writing a research article in physics, astrophysics, mechanical and aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, and related fields..
Professor Dipankar Sahoo

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Created by Bob Dondero.