Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10139
Days TTh
Start time 01:30 PM
End time 02:50 PM
Building GUYOT
Room 100

Course Details

Course Id 4541
Dept and Number WRI 501M
Title Reading and Writing about the Scientific Literature in English (Half Term: Molecular & Life Sciences: Molecular Sciences
Description Introduction for non-native speakers of English to reading and writing about the scientific literature in molecular and life sciences and related engineering fields. Topics include how scientists work with the research literature as both readers and writers, how scientific articles are constructed and interpreted, how research findings are presented, and how scientific arguments are developed. Two 80-minute seminars.
Prerequisites Course open to international graduate students in their second semester of study or beyond in molecular biology, chemistry, chemical engineering, psychology, neurobiology, ecology and evolutionary biology, and related fields.
Professor Mathew G. Lyman

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Created by Bob Dondero.