Registrar's Office

Class Details

Class Id 10007
Days TTh
Start time 03:00 PM
End time 04:20 PM
Building FRIEN
Room 205

Course Details

Course Id 4439
Dept and Number TPP 401
Title Seminar on Education
Description Senior Seminar, taken concurrently with Practice Teaching (TPP402), is designed for those preparing to teach in public or private elementary and/or secondary schools. Course content includes: the development of learning goals and rubrics for assessment, the study of national and local issues in education and their impact on schools, the examination of current literature and research on teaching and learning, the discussion and evaluation of each student's performance as practice teachers, and the use of research to measure the effectiveness of the teaching/learning process.
Prerequisites Course requires admission into the Teacher Preparation Program. Enrollment limited to students doing their practice teaching (TPP 402) except by special permission from the program director.
Professor Helen H. Martinson
Professor Jason R. Klugman

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Created by Bob Dondero.